20210217 Lens-Studio-Blog-Post

Let your creativity run wild with Lens Studio 3.4! This release includes updates that not only improve your workflow but also allow you to explore limitless creative possibilities with ease. It includes:

3D Multi-Body Tracking

Introducing 3D full-body skeleton tracking, which allows you to build 3D full body Lenses for multiple people, allowing more Snapchatters to get in on the fun you create.

Full Body Segmentation

Put your whole body into it! Build experiences that react to full body movements or isolate a person from their background completely. This new upgrade allows you to easily track and segment full bodies in your next Lens.

Improved Hand Tracking

Focus your Lens to specific parts of a hand or let it react to unique hand movements. Improved hand tracking gives you 24 tracking points that allow you to select any joint within the hand for your Lens to react to, rather than just the hand itself.

Asset Library

Discover new shortcuts while working within your projects. The all-new Asset Library is a collection of 3D models, materials, ML models, scripts, presets (and more!) that are easily accessible to drag and drop into your creations. You’ll be able to speed up your workflow by saving your assets, or get a jumpstart by using pre-made assets saved in the library from other creators’.

Push the boundaries of the Lenscape with Lens Studio 3.4 and get started on your next Lens today!

Happy Creating!

Team Lens Studio